Saturday, May 16, 2020

Why Men Love Bitches Book Review Essay - 1199 Words

Maryann Yanni Interpersonal Communication Patrick Humphrey â€Å"Why Men Love Bitches† I picked up the book â€Å"Why Men Love Bitches†, by Sherry Argov, because Im constantly told Im too nice to people and Im sick and tired of being over looked by the opposite sex. I felt as if this book could give me a wake up call and in a way it did. Argov is a very charismatic writer, that reels you in to her text. Theres certain areas in the book that seem to flash a light bulb above your head, and then you seem to understand situations youve had in the past, similar to whats been described in the book. Sherry Argov tries to really stress that women need to respect themselves and their wants over the wants and†¦show more content†¦I was actually enraged a little bit when I read this section. It just teaches you how to play up a mans ego and then twist it into a way where he does your every wish. My morales focus on being honest with your partner and not playing games, but according to Argov, thats all completely wrong. Apparently men are just all the same, self-centered, idiots everywhere and you need to train and trick them into becoming your perfect little toy. Argov completely stereotyped men in her book. This makes the book inaccurate to me because not all men are the same. Her methods apply to the basic male gender, but she doesnt count the different types of men out there. Not all men are buffoons or idiots that can just be played into being your little slave sex-monkey. Argovs book was also inconsistent with how it was telling the women to act around men. One chapter you have to be indifferent, the next you have to be stupid, the next you have to be independent, and so on. It was like a roller coaster of do this and be like that. The book should have encouraged women to be strong but to not lose a hold of themselves. Sherry Argov just encourages you to do what you want and just not care about how youre affecting your significant other. She also stereotypes women just as much as men in her book. Which also angered me. It was very frustrating because she would make some really good points, then she wouldShow MoreRelatedFeminist Analysis on Blood Wedding2186 Words   |  9 Pagessubmissive women Introduction: Feminism asserts that men either consciously or unconsciously have oppressed women, allowing them a little or no voice in the political, social and economic issues of their society. By not giving voice and value to women’s opinion, responses and writings, men have suppressed the female, defined what it means to be feminine and thereby devoiced, devalued and trivialized what it means to be a woman. 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